Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back into the World of Freelance Writing - special offer for Warriors

Yes this blog post is a bit of an advertisement really for my writing services, but hopefully you will find it informational as well :)

Since I mentioned the other day that I was going back to work as a freelance writer for a while I have been spending time creating my Elance Profile (you can find that by searching for "BizyWriter") and looking for other avenues to promote my services. Unfortunately many of the bid sites for freelancers have been over-run by people prepared to work for ridiculously cheap rates and that makes it more difficult for people like myself to make a decent wage from our skills. If you are considering writing or freelancing in any other skill area and hope to make a regular income from doing so then you seriously need to work out the costs associated with working from home. These can include things like your internet connection, site fees, subscriptions, membership sites, utility accounts and even office space.

You also need to factor in the cost for your time. Now this is where many freelancers fall short - they fail to recognize how important their time is as an asset and will offer to write articles for a dollar a page and then wonder why they are still broke at the end of the week. Underpricing yourself is a classic way of getting burnt out and disillusioned with the whole working online process. If you are offering valuable services to paying clients then don't sell yourself short. You can find out more about this through my lenses on Squidoo - just look for "wisecrone333".

That said, I do offer a discount to Warrior Forum members. I was recently the recipient of a war room subscription from a warrior member and I think the forum as a whole does a lot of good for people who are genuinely trying to make money online - so for all of the warriors out there who might be interested in my writing services simply send me an email to and put "Warrior Client" in the subject line. Let me know what type of writing you are looking for - ebooks, articles, blogs etc and I will get back to you with a quote for the work at a special discounted price.

To anybody else that is reading this and looking to work as a freelancer please check out my Squidoo lenses as mentioned above or if you have registered with a site like Elance and have not made any money then you might want to check out my super cheap little ebook on "Winning Work on Elance". Prospective clients feel free to drop me a line at the email address above and let me know the type of services you are looking for.

Have a great day
Lisa :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Freelancing is still the only given :)

Hi all,

Well after a lot of soul searching and weighing up the pros and cons, I have decided to put the internet marketing efforts on the back burner for a while, and focus on actually making money instead - i.e. through freelance writing.

Don't get me wrong, I am not giving up on the IM scene - I do know that many people make money online through selling their own, or other people's products, and I know it is possible for me to do the same - but I have been putting in a lot of hours with very little returns and as we move towards the last quarter of the year I need to be making some decent money. I have a huge family as many of you know and there are so many birthdays I have to buy for in the next three months, as well as hordes to buy for for Christmas, the money I make freelancing has always paid for those things in the past.

Actually I have had a couple of good ideas to make money online (aside from freelancing). For example out of the blue the other day I got a sale on a book I have listed at - you can view my storefront here and that led me to an "AHA" moment. I have a lot of material on my harddrive that would not take a lot to be formated for sale through and I figured if I use some of the tactics I have learned over the past six months in getting and driving traffic, then this would be a good way perhaps to get some sales of my own products.

Another thing I have decided to do is to create some mini-niche sites for some of the many domain names I have bought and not used. I can use affiliate products to sell on the site; articles from EZA to create content and outsource some more articles on keywords related to the niches concerned to help create some targeted traffic for that. That will give me a semi-automated system that will hopefully snowball over time into a nice regular income.

Finally I have come up with an idea for a forum membership site on religion - I am still trying to find a script for the site at the moment as paid forum scripts are not that common (at least for free) so if you can recommend one please let me know :)

So as you can see, none of this is actually that focused (which is something many IM's will tell you that you need to be) but hey, I am woman and I can multi-task. But for now I am off to create a new profile on Elance and see how I get on with getting some paid work as a provider on there. I will keep you posted on this and all of the ideas I have mentioned in this post.

Have a great day
Lisa :)