Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The $300 in 24 hour Challenge

I haven't been lurking online much lately because I have taken up my writing work for online customers and dealing with a pesky heart problem. But a different kind of problem reared it's ugly head at me today and long story short, I have to come up with $300 in 24 hours. I made the stupid mistake of paying my rent money on the wrong account, and if I don't get the actual rent paid in 24 hours my little family is going to be in a lot of trouble.

So after I had a little cry about it, I started to work out what I can do about this situation. I think I have mentioned previously that I already have web hosting and whole stack of domain names, so I think the best thing I can do is put up a whole stack of my ebooks online - on the one page; offer them for sale at $5 a piece and hope like crazy that I can make 60 sales in 24 hours. If ever there was a time when I wanted the things I have learned to do in internet marketing to work for me now, this is the time.

My plan right now - to get a site page up - I will post a link to this blog when I have done. Then I have to work out what is the very fastest way I can get the word out about my fire sale to as many possible customers as possible. I am figuring blog comments, forum posting, yahoo answers, twitter and as many free traffic options as I can find will be my best bet. And hey, I am going to ask for help as well. If you have a list that could benefit from ebooks about ghosts, making money through garage sales, internet marketing, affiliate marketing, making money with ebooks or through photography then please, when you see the link listed here, please send it to your subscribers. I would be truly greatful.

In the meantime the clock is ticking, I have spent thirteen minutes of my 24 hours writing this so I had better get cracking. I will keep you updated

A rather frazzled Lisa :)

P.S. Link not showing yet, but you want to help? Please email me

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