Saturday, August 1, 2009

Don't Believe Everything You Read - A warning

I just had to share this with you even though this is my third post today but the information in it is important and I don't want to see people go through what I did today.

Now you will remember I did mention a couple of days ago that I was being more proactive about approaching internet marketers who were successful and who mentioned in their emails that they were keen to hear from people about what problems they were having getting started and things like that. I think I also told you that I had two positive responses from internet marketers who gave the impression that they wanted to offer some form of mentoring to newbies to help them get started. I was really keen to share some insights from some internet successes and got quite excited about it really.

Anyway I had forgotten about Gabriel Aguinaga offer to call me about a "partnership" until the phone rang earlier this afternoon. We had a bit of a chat and I explained to him that I was looking to help increase traffic to my site and for advice on how to improve conversion rates of the sites I had. He seemed really nice on the phone and directed me to a link to watch a video, which he said would take about half an hour to watch and then he would phone me back.

Now I had a lot of high hopes about this call and the video I was going to watch - Gabriel had mentioned how he wanted to help people to become as successful as he was and I was hooked when I started watching the video - I was so sure this would be the missing "it" that I was looking for. Boy was I dumb and naive.

I sat and watched a 30 minute sales video on the benefits of joining his system to help him and his company sell his product. Oh if any of you have any internet experience at all who are reading this I bet you are laughing so hard about now. I can honestly say though that I did not see this coming. It would not have been so bad if I had learned anything useful for my own business, or if the price to join was not so expensive (roughly $1500 USD - thats more than $2000NZD) but I am so peeved with myself for getting sucked in.

Now I want to be fair here. Gabriel Aguinaga is a truly decent bloke and I have had some free reports off of him in the past. It is highly possible that I misread his intention when he asked for my phone number and best time to call, and maybe he thought I was looking to join some super high flying system.

I mean he was right in some respects - you do make more money selling high ticket items than lower ones (if you can get sales) and I imagine the tools and tips he was offering as part of this partnership would be really useful to a newbie like me to promote products of my own. But I told him specifically when he did phone me what I was looking for and he sent me to his video presentation anyway - and that I find strange.

Look I am not running down this man or his business okay - I was the one who made the mistake of thinking I was going to get some mentoring from a successful internet marketer and I was probably really silly not to realize there was going to be a cost involved. The program he is offering is a good idea and if any of you are looking for a high ticket product to sell then his Millionaire Maker System could be what you are looking for. I should imagine the rewards for joining something like this are huge if you do become successful - it just wasn't what I was looking for.

As for me I emailed him and explained that I wasn't what he was looking for and wished him well. It is only time that will tell whether or not I am the sucker here for not taking him up on his offer, or whether my slow but sure little efforts will actually win out for me in terms of monetary success in the long run.

Don't forget to leave me any comments you might have and your links - I would love to hear from you


P.S. Gabriel if you do happen to read this then please leave a link in the comments section to your program so my readers can check out your program for themselves and my apologies for not answering your second phone call - I was just too embarressed. Hopefully my email to you sufficed.

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